Best Methods for Taking Herbs for Menopause
For women looking for a safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat menopausal symptoms, herbal remedies may be a worthy consideration. But what�s the best way to get your daily dose of natural herbs to help treat your menopausal symptoms? Read on to find out.
1. Make Herbs a Part of Your Meal
Introducing herbs for menopause into your diet doesn�t mean that your diet with be limited to tasteless foods or leafy greens. Consider the following suggestions as adjustments�not sacrifices�to your daily diet:
Stock up on soy: these days, soy products can easily be substituted for all your favorite products�milk, breads, burgers and cheeses. Foods that are naturally rich in soy include soybeans, tofu and tempeh. Soy�s high content of isoflavones make it the perfect meal option to ward off diseases and restore hormone imbalances, giving you relief from hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.
Sprinkle flaxseed on cereal, yogurt or salad: a whole lot of nutrients are packed into these tiny seeds: flax is the richest known source of phytoestrogens, plant-based estrogens that mimic the effects of estrogen in the female body. Adding 25 grams of flaxseed to your morning cereal or lunch salad can help combat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
2. Enjoy a Cup of Tea
Most of the more popular herbal remedies for menopause can be purchased as ready-made tea bags or loose leaf. Drinking tea is recommended as an alternative to coffee, as teas are generally less caffeinated and thus less likely to aggravate menopause symptoms. The following herbal teas have been linked with alleviating menopause symptoms:
� Black cohosh: mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats.
� Red clover: hot flashes and night sweats.
� Ginseng: vaginal dryness.
� Chasteberry: loss of libido.
� Ginkgo: mood swings and depression.
3. Take Herbal Supplements
If you can�t seem to fit herbs for menopause into your daily diet and you�re not a tea-drinker, you may consider taking an herbal supplement. Most herbs for menopause -including Black cohosh, Ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Red clover and Dong quai� can be taken as capsules or pills. Because dosage varies depending on the type of herb and the brand, be sure to check the recommended dosage listed on the manufacturer label before use.
While the risks associated with herbs for menopause are generally less severe than those of HRT, you should still consult with your doctor before introducing them into your diet. Click here for more information about herbs used to treat menopausal symptoms.