Non estrogenic treatment
In order to fully understand what non estrogenic treatment is, it is first important to understand what non estrogen means. Non estrogen is a name used to denote herbs which treat women's menopause symptoms without the use of estrogens.
Phytoestrogenic treatment
Phytoestrogenic treatment for menopause symptoms differs broadly to that of non estrogenic treatment. Phytoestrogenic herbs function by introducing plant like hormones in the body. The following phytoestrogenic herbs have been widely used in the treatment of women's menopause symptoms:
. Black cohosh
. Gingko biloba
. Red clover
. Ginseng
. Don quai
. Soy
Estrogens are a unique plant-like hormone found in many herbs. Estrogens have the capability of acting like human hormones in women's bodies and are subsequently used in the treatment of a hormone deficiency.
How does non estrogenic treatment work?
Non estrogenic treatment functions by gentle encouraging the hormone receptors in women's bodies to produce more of their own natural estrogen. Side effects from treatments such as hormone replacement therapy occur because artificial hormones are introduced into the body and this mismatch can have hazardous effects on a woman's body. Because of this stimulation function it is seen as an increasingly used natural alternative to HRT
What are the benefits of non estrogenic treatment for menopausal women?
Non estrogenic treatment for menopause
Menopause symptoms usually manifest themselves as a result of a hormone imbalance in woman's bodies. Such symptoms can range from mental symptoms such as
. Mood swings
. Depression
. Irritability
And physical symptoms such:
. Vaginal dryness
. Osteoporosis
. Hair loss
. Weight gain
. Bloating
Non estrogenic treatments contain the ability to soothe some of the embarrassing and sometimes paintful symptoms of menopause. In addition to this non estrogen treatment is capable of helping women in the following ways:
. Nourishing the endocrine system
. Protecting against osteoporosis
. Protecting against cardiovascular disease
. Enhancing fertility
. Providing relief from menopause symptoms
. Improving sexual performance
Many people who use non estrogenic treatments do so because they can help to counteract some of the symptoms of menopause without worrying about some of the harsher side effects of invasive treatments such as hormone replacement therapy.
Which non estrogen treatments do women use?
One popular non estrogen treatment favored by women is Macafem. Macafem which grows in high altitude regions in South America is known as a non estrogen treatment because it doesn't contain estrogens. Macafem has been found capable of counteracting menopause symptoms such as: night sweats, loss of libido, hot flashes, irregular periods and mood swings.
What options to women consider? In the debate of which menopausal remedies women should use in order to treat their menopause symptoms a range of options should be considered. This is because many menopausal remedies seem like a good alternative for the treatment of such symptoms, other options may be better. Non-estrogenic herbs are an increasingly utilized choice for women looking for relief from many of the symptoms of menopause.