How Black Cohosh Can Help You Relieve the Symptoms of Menopause
Commonly referred to as the "herbal estrogen alternative" black cohosh is widely accepted as the foremost herb in treating symptoms of menopause. But with all of its great qualities, does black cohosh really work to treat those pesky menopause symptoms?
Read on to learn how black cohosh can help relieve symptoms of menopause.
How Does Black Cohosh Work?
How black cohosh works remains unknown, but it�s thought to have estrogenic effects. Binding to estrogen receptors in the body, black cohosh causes estrogen levels to either decrease or increase. By introducing plant hormones similar to those produced by the body, black cohosh helps to regulate estrogen levels which often become unbalanced during menopause.
Also a mild stomach tonic, black cohosh acts with alterative action which helps to improve the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the digestive tract.
Is Black Cohosh Right for My Symptoms?
Often used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, black cohosh has been shown to treat a variety of menopausal symptoms including night sweats, depression, menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
Are There Any Side Effects When Taking Black Cohosh?
Despite its numerous benefits, women should take precaution when introducing black cohosh into their lifestyle. Because the plant introduces its own hormone in the body, new chemicals may react differently than naturally-occurring ones. As a result, many researchers encourage patients to use other supplements to help increase the body�s estrogen levels.
Nonetheless, women taking black cohosh extracts have shown to have none of the side effects usually associated with hormone replacement therapy. Because of this researchers believe this versatile herb could be used as a safe alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy.
Although black cohosh has been shown to have many curative effects on menopause, always consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional before taking it. Click here to read more information about treatments used with black cohosh for menopause.