Dong Quai: A Traditional Herb For Treatment of Menopause
During menopause, a woman can experience a range of undesirable, undeniable and unbearable symptoms. These symptoms include hot flashes, night sweat, loss of libido, fatigue and mood swings. They are a product of the fluctuations in hormones that take place in the body during the menopausal years. The hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are in a state of flux, as they bring about the inevitable changes that take place in the body during menopause.
However, there are a number of treatments that can balance these indecisive hormones. Herbal remedies for menopause symptoms are increasingly popular. Amongst them is the traditional, under-rated, dong quai.
Read on to find out more about the irrefutable dong quai, its role in the herbal tradition, and how it can help ease the irrecoverable effects of menopause.
Dong Quai: What it is
Dong quai is an herb native to China, Japan and Korea. It grows best at high altitudes and in low temperatures, so can be sourced in the mountains of these countries. It can also be found under the following names:
• Angelic sinensis
• Chinese Angelica
• Female ginseng
• Dang gui (Chinese)
• Toki (Japanese)
• Tanggwi (Korean)
Dong Quai: A Traditional Herb
Dong quai has been used for thousands of years in traditional Asian medicine, and has been used in Europe since the 1800 as a treatment for gynecological problems. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the blood, and in female reproductive health. It is also known as the "female gingeng" for its effectiveness in treating ailments associated with female reproductive health.
Dong Quai: How Dong Quai Can Help Treat Menopause
It is thought that dong quai contains substances called phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are naturally produced in the plant, and have a molecular make up comparable to that of estrogen produced in the human body. When it is ingested, it mimics the hormone estrogen, and can help balance the waning levels of estrogen that exist in the body during menopause. In balancing fluctuating menopausal hormones, it can help to ease the severity of symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido and mood swings.
Dong quai can be considered an herbal front runner in treating menopause symptoms. With a long tradition in ancient medicine for its beneficial effects on the female reproductive system and on gynecological problems, it has been revived in today's society, and is now widely available as an effective and accessible treatment for menopause.
Click here for more information on dong quai and other traditional herbs that are now effective in combating undesirable menopause symptoms.