How to Incorporate Dong Quai into Your Diet
If you've got a list of symptoms longer than your arm, both legs and nose put together, it's likely that you're going through menopause. Your long list of symptoms may include irritability, irregular heartbeats, irregular periods, itchy skin and recently developed allergies.
However, there are ways to help combat your menopause symptoms. One of these ways is to use the healing properties of the ancient medicine herb Dong Quai. Read on to learn how consuming Dong Quai may help to combat some of your symptoms of menopause and a few easy tips for adding it to your diet.
Dong Quai is Here to Help
The healing powers of Dong Quai have been used for centuries by the people of China. Over the centuries Don Quai has picked up many sobriquets and sometimes goes by the monikers of Angelica Sinensis or Female Ginseng.
It is said that Dong Quai can cure fatigue, mild anemia and high blood pressure. It may also be able to help you combat your menopause symptoms. Because Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens - chemicals that can mimic the effect estrogen has on a living organism - it can even out the hormonal imbalances that may occur during menopause. Read on to learn how to put some Dong Quai in your diet.
The Dong Quai Diet
There are lots of different forms that you can buy Dong Quai. One form is Dong Quai roots. This is a great way to get Dong Quai, because there are loads of different ways in which you can incorporate it into your diet. You could try boiling the root for about 20 minutes and drinking the solution as a tea. Or try tearing strips off and chewing on them.
Dong Quai is also available in a supplement form from most health food stores. Although this form of Dong Quai leaves less to the imagination, it does mean that you have greater control over your Dong Quai intake, which may be important, because over-consumption of Dong Quai can have side effects. Read on to learn the dangers of overdosing on Dong Quai.
Deadly Dong Quai
If you do feel ill after taking Dong Quai, do not panic. Side effects of Dong Quai are rarely more severe than skin inflammation or rashes. However, some studies have shown that because Dong Quai is an estrogenic herb, so it may accelerate the spread of breast cancer. However there are alternatives to Dong Quai, including non-estrogenic herbs, like Macafem.
Click the following link to learn more about Macafem.