Feeling Low on Energy During Your Menopause? Ginkgo Biloba's Here to Help
This legendary species of herb has no known relatives and has been around for over 270 million years. It grows on massive, hardy trees called Ginkgoes. Ginkgoes have incredible natural health and are resistant to weather, disease and insects. Their amazing strength allows them to grow to more than 50 meters tall and to more than 2,500 years old.
Read on to learn about how you can harness the power of the ginkgo tree through ginkgo biloba, and how this astounding herb can help you combat your symptoms of menopause.
How Menopause Can Affect Your Energy Levels
During menopause, you're going through a lot of changes. You may be experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss or fatigue; these are all common symptoms of menopause. A lot of these symptoms are cause by hormone imbalances in your body.
Your body's hormone levels are fluctuating wildly during menopause. Hormones are vital to your body because they help to regulate lots of the body's functions. Hormones act as your body's messaging system: when one part of your body wants to communicate with another, it send hormones. This is how you know when you're hungry, tired or in pain.
When levels of certain hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, drop this can lead to fatigue. Fatigue is more than just wanting to sleep. Fatigue is a feeling of ongoing and persistent weakness, tiredness and lowered energy levels. It can have a massive impact on your life. Your performance levels can drop at work and during your daily routine.
When it comes to fighting against the symptoms of menopause, Ginkgo biloba can help you to deal with some symptoms like fatigue, memory lapses and loss of concentration. Try mixing Ginkgo biloba with Ginseng for a combination that will stimulate your brain and improve concentration levels.
Click on the following link to learn about other herbs that can help combat your symptoms of menopause.